Friday, July 10, 2009

You can think of me when you forget your seatbelt, and again when your head goes through the windshield

I'm ok with the fact that nobody reads this. In fact I'd prefer it that way. It is my experience that anytime you share your thoughts and feelings, especially in a public forum such as a blog, people tend to twist what you say and take it out of context. The only way to avoid this isto carefully wordsmith every sentence so that it can in no way be turned against you. But even then there are always the people who still try. Honestly, this wordsmithing approach is not worth the effort. Thus, I have concluded that an unviewed blog is in my best interest.

Only one question remains... Why did I bother to spell that all out if no one will see it?
Why even ask the above question?
Introspection is my speciality.


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