Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So, last night my laptop freaked out. It said there was an error and had to shut Windows down. Now it won't boot Windows. It says hat it can't find a bootable device (i.e. THE FREAKING HARD DRIVE!!!!!) This most likely means one of two things. 1) There is a boot sector virus. That is a virus that keeps your computer from booting and basically the only way to kill those mother ducks is by reformatting your hard drive...erasing everything! I doubt that it's a virus though. I hadn't downloaded anything or installed anything. 2) The other option is that there is a physical problem with the hard drive. i.e. it crapped out and I'll need a new one. There's also the possibility that it's something else and that it can be fixed easier than those two things. But from what it seems those two things are the most likely. Pray that this all works out. I had a lot of important stuff on there. Luckily I do have a external hard drive with a lot of stuff on it, but not everything.

Edit: Apparently my hard drive is dead. So, I ordered a new one. 160GB! That's the only good thing that came out of this, I needed more space and now I've got it...well, I will once I get my new HDD and reload Windows and install all of my programs and rip all of my music again.

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